Our business model is that of an ‘independent’ insurance agency, where we represent more than one insurance company to offer choices. Being independent allows us to be truthful about which carrier provides the better solution and provides unbiased advice and guidance. We appreciate your willingness to stick with us to find the best offer, and we understand it is time-consuming and frustrating to do it alone.
The insurance industry is ever-changing. The products change, your needs change, the weather patterns change, and new carriers come into the marketplace to make changes. Through it all, you’ve stuck with us as your home to shelter you from, do I dare say, “mayhem.”
We are not ones to celebrate milestones, but forty years is an achievement we felt worth reflecting on. Hearing how we got here might bring us closer together.
In July 1983, a mere 40 years ago, Pat started the agency under the name of Aurone Professionals, and in 1988 was joined by Greg, her husband, who was working in the industry at the time. In 1997, the name was changed to Select Insurance Services. In 2009, we were honored to be the first exclusive Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) in Ohio, now called TrustedPro. This continues to be an excellent partnership because Ramsey himself has principles we share, including his willingness to speak the truth on financial topics, including property/casualty insurance. This endorsement allows us to reach people we would not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. To all of you who came to us from the Ramsey program, thank you for trusting us and the program! To those struggling to make ends meet and needing help staying on budget, check out Ramsey Solutions. (Remember, we are our area’s exclusive Ramsey Trusted Pro).
Blending the old with the new
Ideally, we treat you how we would want to be treated by simple acts like calling the office and having the phone answered by someone who knows you. No multiple phone prompts, long wait times, or asked to complete a survey at the end of the call. Those are some of the pain points we spare you from. On the other hand, we embrace and use technology to provide options. Things like the Mobile App, texting, online appointment scheduling, and emails are ways we use technology, but not to replace the personal touch. All this to say, we work extremely hard to provide the level of service you deserve. Thank you for being willing to use the method(s) that work best for you.
Our business style and experience
Have proven relevant in today’s marketplace. People want answers and an expert to help them understand what they need and why; they realize they shouldn’t rely on their neighbors or relatives to educate them on what is covered in the policy or what to buy. Whenever we help someone by eliminating a coverage gap or bringing their attention to something that could save them money or stretch their insurance dollar, it keeps us pumped to keep going, especially when we hear, ‘No one ever told me that before’ and another said our tagline should be ‘we give a sh..”, hard not to laugh at that one. Thanks for giving us your time to educate.

Blessings abound…
We have been blessed with employees who embrace our vision and treat you with the same passion. We are incredibly grateful for Jessica, a 12-year veteran, and Alex, who does a great job with social media and support staff Lori and Stacey.
Your loyalty gives us gratification that our efforts have not gone unnoticed.. So, thank you for choosing us to be your insurance advisor, guide, and advocate. Having the chance to work with you and know you have been a blessing.
Looking forward to servicing you for years to come.
Truly grateful,
Pat and Greg Lamb
Mobile APP: https://vimeo.com/iaapp/select-587
Ramsey: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/dave-ramsey-7-baby-steps/